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How It Works

1. How does IPL permanent hair reduction work?

The newest generation of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) systems, produces a precise beam of light energy, which safely transmits through the skin, selectively targeting pigment in hair the follicles. When this light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicle of the hair, it coverts to heat, which in turn causes thermal damage to the follicle and permanently destroys the hair. The heat also disables the cells responsible for new hair growth.


2. How many treatments will I require?

Hair grows in three cycles called Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. IPL and laser technology most effectively interacts with hair in the Anagen (or active growth) phase when the hair is highest in pigment. Hence multiple treatments are required to accomplish permanent hair reduction. On average approximately 20% reduction will be noticed in the initial treatment and as much as 95% reduction can be realized in four to six treatments. Remember after the treatments the reduction will be permanent!


3. What happens immediately after a treatment?

IPL works in a minimally invasive manner to thermally destroy the hair. This is what makes the procedure so fast and comfortable. Two or three days after the treatment, stubble may reappear. This is NOT new hair growth, but simply the body shedding the thermally damaged hair; including the bulb.

4. Are there any side effects of treatment or special post treatment instructions?

For best results, active tanning and use of artificial tanning products should be discontinued prior to and during treatments. After treatment, use Sunblock (SPF25+) on the treatment area. You can shave during treatments, but do not wax or tweeze the hair, as this will remove the target (the bulb) Subsequent to treatments you may experience some redness and/or warmth at the treatment site, which is normal and can be cooled with cold wet compresses if desired. It is recommended to avoid vigorous exercise, perfumed deodorants, heavily chlorinated pools and / or hot whirlpool baths, saunas, etc. for 12 – 24 hours subsequent to treatments.


5. Can I remove hair between treatments?

This is an excellent question and the answer is the same as it is for electrolysis. You definitely cannot tweeze or wax. If you tweeze or wax between treatments, you physically remove the target hence reduce the Intense Pulsed Light’s ability to destroy it (you can’t destroy what isn’t there).

You can however shave between treatments as the objective is to interact with the matrix or bulb and shaft of the hair, which is untouched by shaving. Ideally large body areas should be shaved prior to coming to the clinic for an IPL treatment to cut down on the time of treatment, as surface hair must be removed prior to the treatment.

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